Victoria Maldonado Victoria Maldonado

My experience in the MAIP program

Getting an offer to work in the Media Planning and Buying discipline was definitely out of my comfort zone, but ended up being a great experience. Seeing behind-the-scenes of media within advertising has been such an educational opportunity. Media Planning and Buying at UM with the Shopper team is a well-thought-out process that relies on a lot of data. I learned a lot about what it takes to place ads online and in-store. It’s a lot more complicated than it seems.

Ad placement is based on where the intended audience is, what they look at (social media, websites, billboards, etc), and what it takes to get them to click and convert to a sales point.

Group project time! Shoutout to the best group: Group 15!!!!

The group projects were a great insight into how the advertising field functions from start to finish in a practice environment. It was my first time working to solve a brief so seeing how all the different areas within advertising come together was amazing. I was a sponge soaking up knowledge from everyone!

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