The start of summer
Hi there! I’m Victoria Maldonado, a recent graduate of the University of Central Florida, a Multicultural Advertising Internship Program (MAIP) Fellow, and a copywriting intern at Dentsu Creative.
I’ve been assigned to the FTX account and it’s been so cool to see the advertising behind one of the biggest crypto apps.
I’ve made so many connections within dentsu international and my MAIP cohort. I’ve really enjoyed meeting so many people and learning about the different areas within advertising. I’ve spoken with a content strategist, a manager of social marketing and strategy, a content strategy manager, copywriters, and a PR director. Here are some takeaways that I learned and advice I received:
Content strategy can range! One content strategy worked with SEO and site migration, while the other worked on shopper ads for a major supermarket retailer.
Have the humbleness to ask for help.
It’s okay to not have a concrete creative process as a copywriter. Go with the flow and let the ideas come to you!
When asking to connect with someone, including an agenda can be helpful.
Embrace the frantic.